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How to make a donation?

The amount of money you donate depends on the number of laps you walk or run in the stadium and the cost for each lap that you yourself will decide on. For example, if you decide to donate 1€ for one lap and you walk 8 laps you will donate 8€. For each lap you cross, you will be given a wristband. Once you have reached your goal, we will count the wristbands you earned and calculate the final amount of money you have decided to donate.


Another option is to make your donation directly to the Walkathon bank account through our web page. This is an opportunity for those who do not participate in the active part of Walkathon but stıll want to make a contribution to help the foundation. Also, it opens the possibility of paying either in cash or by a transfer, for those who do participate in the Walkathon event.

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